Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/06: Snail Mail Address in Peru!!!

We are off to the Peace Corps in Peru, starting on Wednesday! Our training will take place in the Peace Corps training center which is located in Santa Eulalia, near Chosica. Santa Eulalia is approximately a 45 minute drive northeast of the capital city of Lima. It is located in a sunny valley that generally has warmer temperatures than Lima.

Our mailing address for the next 10 weeks or so will be:

PCT Libby & Benjamin Skolnik
Cuerpo de Paz
Calle Via Lactea 132
Urb. Los Granados, Sucro
Lima 33, PERU

Please send letters only as they've told us that the customs duty levied on all packages is more than we will be able to afford on our Peace Corps stipend. What would be best are letters that include photos of you and where you live. Not only will we love seeing pictures of you :) but the families and communities in which we live will also love to know more about what it's like to be Libby & Benjamin.

Also, please number your letters. The mail system in South America, and Peru specifically, is not reknowned for its speed or efficiency. Sometimes mail gets lost or caught up somewhere. Numbering your letters will help us know if we missed anything.

Looking forward to hearing from you!