Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 195: The Week of Gringos and God

Dona Florentina v. the Gringos

Last Sunday marked a rather drastic change in our relatively calm and comfortable lives in Musho, Ancash. In one day, Benjamin and I received our first guests – another Peace Corps volunteer and her friend Dave visited us to consume the specialty food of the day – cuyes (guinea pigs). Although the family knows that we are vegetarian and we have eaten some of the most delicious food (vegetarian styles) in Peru in their house.

On this day, Benjamin and I became “God Parents” for two children in Pariantana, the neighborhood above Musho.

I have to get my laundry now. I have ten minutes. So, I'll write the rest of this later. But just so you know, 27 evangelizing gringos from the United States arrived in Musho last Sunday. They will live there for 1 month and love on the people. They are living in our house. We are sharing one bathroom with them. I'll be sure to tell you more later.